
Crosscode is a seriously underrated action RPG in which you play as someone playing as a cute anime girl in a videogame that’s physically happening on a different planet.

Also you get to meet this guy:
He’s great.

In all seriousness though, I’m putting it here because I think it deserves more attention. it does have its share of problems, but it’s pretty neat overall.

my teeth hurt
does the game make my teeth not hurt?



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I’ve heard some seriously cool things about this game, I’ll probably check it out when the winter sale rolls around.

you should see a chiropractor about that tooth. or dave, because dave can help anything.

nah it aint a tooth its mah teeth,
you know how braces be like when they get tightened
“now your teeth ache for a week so you cant eat”

dentist: "hey you pay us so you don’t get put in severe pain and have basic quality of life, and can enjoy the foods you like to eat!’




dentist: “…but what if we changed that”