Counter Copy Value

With the methods counters currently provide, the most reliable way to transfer values between counters involve incrementing the output and decrementing the input counters by 1 and checking if to see if that made the input counter hit 0.

While this works perfectly for many use-cases, when you want to store larger numbers, two issues arise:

  • The Maximum Value: Only using increments of 1 limits the maximum transferable value to 16,777,216. See the following thread for more info:
  • Time: After testing using a timer on a 0.01 second loop, it takes roughly 16.5 seconds to transfer a value of 1000 between counters, at that speed it would take roughly 32 years to transfer the current maximum value of 16,777,216 or 4 MILLENNIA to transfer a value of 2,147,483,647!

This is why I propose some way of directly copying a value from one counter to another is added to the game.