Condo worries

The current plan is this:

We have an elevator from the lobby that when you enter - opens up a GUI. This same GUI can be pulled up from the main menu, but we want to have the physical location as well.

It’ll display a bunch of condo doors (in 2D, think of Monster’s Inc.) with filters to show your friend’s condos, condos from the people you’re in the lobby with, and condos who’s having a party.

Now when you have a condo - because it’s something that is instanced, we’ll have it so you can customize your door, select your privacy settings (friends or public), and select if you want it to be open to anyone at any time for viewing.

The other cool feature we’re thinking is knocking. Players who have their condos closed can also allow knocks. When in the condo browser you can click on a locked condo and knock. The knock will send a notification (via email or in-game if they’re in the game) and will alert the condo owner that someone wants to check it out.

The idea is that your condo is your personalized thing so we’re really trying to figure out new and inventive ways to explore the idea of sharing your condo beyond just the game.

It’s something that will evolve overtime, so don’t expect all these features day one.