[Condo IO] Audio Link for linked media players to lighting objects

i think thhs would be cool, ive never posted a suggestion before so bare with me!

Like in vrchat we have audiolink that can attune lights to sound,
could we get a CONDO IO audiolink controller (like the audio link controller in vrchat) to link lights to it then for the audio controller to listen to a connected media player, like to have diffrent reactivity to certain pitch levels and tones, this would make for a cool nightclub effect or even in any cirumstance, like having a “tiggered sound” then also haveing light react to that sound!

if you want more indepth examples or such just let me know!

There have been a few people suggesting this in the past, and I still can’t help but agree with them. I want this in the game so bad! Also, welcome to the community :slight_smile:

i knowww i love audio based linking, and thanks you ive been apart of Tower unite since 2015 and GMT previous since 2010
just havent signed up for the forum yet ahahha

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Oh yeah, sure, no problem. Well, welcome to the forum, then :3