Clarification about Indiegogo's perks

Greetings folks!

I have a little question about the perks from the Indiegogo campain.
So, when I donated some money (a minimum of 15$) to Tower Unite’s page,
I’ve putten my Steam account ID on the right box, and everything was alright.

But if I click on the Tower Unite’s webpage, I can see a “Backer Access” tab,
which confused me a little. I heard on a post that you needed to enter a
certain code to claim your rewards before New Years '16, and I’m not really
sure I actually did it.

So, for clarification purposes, if I entered my Steam ID on the crowdfunding
payment page, will I get my items (or at least the Early Access code itself)?
Also, is the tab mentionned on the fourth/fifth line only necessary for those
who didn’t put their ID when they donated some cash?

If these two questions have already been answered, could you please link
me to these pages? If not, a quick answer and maybe an explaination will
be really appreciated!

I’m really hyped for Tower Unite but I don’t feel like buying the game another time.

Have a nice day folks,
Love ya, mates!

If you go into the Backer Panel, and it says that your Steam ID is linked, then you should be set. If not, make sure to link it.

Thank you Caboose700 for taking a few minutes of your life, I appreciate it!

I’ve seen that my account was actually not linked, so I just did that. Hopefully everything should be alright!

If you didn’t link your account before the end of last year, you won’t get your perks.

This is incorrect. If you don’t do it before Early Access, you might have to wait a bit before you get your perks, but you will get your stuff.

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The “lock” was for custom rewards, not the Steam Link. If it was the Steam Link - it would be locked on the panel - and it is not locked on the panel for that reason.

Listen to Caboose, he has been asking me personally about this.

*If for some reason you were not able to before Early Access release (this Friday) then you’ll have to wait a month as we will try to add more backers who forgot at the end of each month.


Ah, ok. My bad. Didn’t even see that part.


Thanks for the clarification, macdguy!

Doesn’t seems like I had custom rewards, so everything should be dandy! :smiley:


I know i’m a idiot but I can’t seem to find where to link my steam account. I backed 30$ way back when it started and i’m not sure if I did link my steam account.

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Thanks so much! I didn’t have it linked and I can not wait to play on Friday now!:grinning: