Check out this painting!

I know I’m not an artist, but I wanted to create this to hang it in my room.


Looks good!

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Honestly, it looks like something a third grader would draw. Mostly because the TU logo isn’t very complex, and you didn’t do anything extra with it (shading or such).

Just to be clear, I have nothing againts you, but you asked and I dislike fake positive critique.

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You made me move my head left and right

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LOL! I know it’s bad but I have Dysgraphia so I knew it wouldn’t be good.



It’ll never stop warming my heart when I see fanart of Tower Unite.


You know what, good work. Not that it looks great or anything, but at least you took the time to create something of your own. It isn’t even bad, just… very simple. Shouldn’t have been so rude in my first post, sorry.

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It’s all good man. I was expecting criticism like that. I was thinking that it wasn’t in depth when creating too.