Character Customization Weight Sliders

In GMT I recall potions that could make your player model wider or thinner. I think Tower Unite being it’s own fresh entity would make it easier to just religate these to sliders in the character appearance menu. If not, then I still suggest that the wide and thin potions make a return. I’d also just like to stress a general emphasis on character customization, since I really think people coming into this game not knowing its history would expect something more in-depth.

At this stage in development, we’re focusing on gameplay over player customization.

GMT did have potions that changed your bones and they may return to Tower Unite. Body shape sliders may also appear in Tower Unite.

Workshop will give you a lot of flexibility on your character’s look.


Or make a gym instead of weight slider, it could add to the gameplay as well

“Watch your character exercise to get slim and suffer a minor existential crisis, in a moment that’s as far from a videogame as possible!”
Nah, I’d prefer a weight slider.

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I agree, but a gym game mode would be cool :smiley: Kinda like the mobile game fat to fit (or whatever the hell it’s called).