Alright, I have a slight issue that has been happening just since today. The center of my screen is blocked off by something, making that area completely unresponsive to my cursor. I have done some tests, and I am starting to believe that there is an invisible window floating around, because the automatic scrolling function with mouse3 works there.
This is approximately the area. The outside rectangle is the dead zone, the inner rectangle is the area which turns my cursor into that clicking finger (as if I could click that area). However, left or right clicking there does not do anything. This is an issue that always persists, no matter what I have open, so seems like this window always keeps itself in the foreground.
Before this I thought this is caused by a faulty graphics driver, so I tried updating my drivers. Now while this fixed my issue temporarily, it came back shortly after. So this is probably not just some window, but one that is somehow associated with the NVIDIA drivers. I looked around in the nvidia system settings, but found nothing.
Incase anyone has an idea what I could do, feel free to suggest.