Can we get some consistent, ambiguous view model hands please?

Go ahead and file this one super far down on the priority list, but perhaps one of my biggest gripes, as far as visuals go, is that first person hands are extremely inconsistent and “immersion breaking”, if immersion can even exists in this kind of game.

This first became a big problem for me when skeleton player models were added. Finally, I get to be a fully animated model that doesn’t look like an awkward teenager. But what did you see in first person?..

STILL PASTY WHITE HANDS. And they never even match your set skin tone! And what else? They’re not even consistent. Going into Virus, I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s noticed how they change between weapons. I don’t know if this is a joke from the devs, but if you haven’t, let me show you.

Here we have one that’s completely bare. Just some pasty, white hands.

Here we have some hands, but in a sweater now?

Here we have NO HANDS
I want to say there used to be one with fingerless gloves too, but maybe I’m mistaken.

ANYWAY, this bothered me for a long time and this has only compounded with the addition of the workshop, as people, including myself are running around as things that are even further from the standard pale human being, and I’m only reminded of this everytime I get close to a wall:

So what could be done? With the exception of little crusaders, I’d like to suggest that first person view models have a gender, race, and species ambiguous hands that is consistent across all modes.

How could this be done? One could let the players add their own via the workshop, but I think that’s too much work for the amount of content already on there

I think what could work well is something stylized, and polygonal, like Super Hot.

or maybe something like a ghostly mesh:

Towers already has something similar to this in the form of the placeholder loading model, and I think making a more detailed set of hands matching this aesthetic would be perfect.

I’d like to see this with the first person legs option that we currently have