Buffer Overflow and a few other bugs

I recently bought Tower Unite and i ran into a few errors in the short time i played it.

Buffer Overflow:
I basically crash whenever i try to join a minigame, i have yet to find out what is causing it.
Edit: The problem only seem to occur when i tried to join sessions that wasn’t in singleplayer.

Importing profiles:
So when i first joined i got the notification that i could import my profile from GMT and get my items (cash atm), cash and trophies.
I did the process of finding my profile and converting it to Tower Unite.
I recieved my trophies and nothing else, no cash or items that had been implemented to tower unite.

Holes in the map:
Nothing serious, there are a few spots where you can go into spots where you logically shouldnt be.
Go to the beach and swim to the little hill on the left, you can go inside the coaster area under said hill and then go into the coaster platform, there are a few of these areas but this is the only one i clearly remember.

It would be helpful if you could post your specs.

Does that mean that you have 0 units? I remember something that you need like 1 unit to succesfully complete the conversion. It converts your items to Units and doesn’t give you any new items. That of course given that you met all the requirements to be eligible for the conversion

Gimme a moment:
CPU: AMD Phenom II X4
GPU AMD Radeon R7 360
Internet upload speed: 23.66 Mbps
Internet download speed: 3 Mbps

As for the profile, yes that means i have exactly 0 units, the exact same amount i started with.
Also sadly i cant gain that 1 unit needed to convert my gmt profile to tu because i cant play minigames on sessions i dont host.
Edit: Also yes, i am eligible for converting my profile.

RAM seems to be sufficient. GPU ok. But your weak CPU might get you a connection timeout due to its low performance. [quote=“Heavysteam, post:3, topic:13995”]
Also sadly i cant gain that 1 unit needed to convert my gmt profile to tu because i cant play minigames on sessions i dont host.
You can host your own gamemode session through the Main Menu. Just click on a minigame at the bottom and create your own session. Just complete a hole in Minigolf or a level in Ballrace so that you can obtain the “Thanks for playing” reward (25 units). Then retry converting your units.

In addition: whenever your game crashes make sure to post your crash report. Here’s a tutorial on how to do that:

The cpu is enough, i already tried to play the new unreal tournament and it was sufficient, with a few minor tweaks to settings as to not overload my cpu.

I already tried this but every time i tried it said i needed to wait for other players to join (some 3-4 other people)
Also at the time im playing it seems as there are almost no one on, 2 other players at the same time as me if im lucky.

Edit: the problem isnt the game crashing, the problem is that i cant join a session, i just get a message saying buffer overflow

The new Unreal tournament is not really comparable. Their maps are much smaller than the plaza and they have lower player amounts per server.

You might wanna try going to your Steam settings and under the Downloads tab adjust your internet connection settings.


Download is set to limitless, so all three megabytes (4 if you also count upload) are used to maintain a connection

Also i forgot to mention i stress tested my pc and internet connection and surprisingly it could handle joining a full 200 player server (gmod which game engine was programmed to handle like 16 players at most) where a majority of them are using a addon that allows them to make gigantic player models.

Honestly besides those two things i have no idea what could be causing the issue.
Ill try some other solutions in the meantime.