Bring back GMT like loading screen

These look nice and give you news and tips that could change with each update

I like the current ones, but I think a player card would make a nice addition to it.

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I decided to make a quick loading screen concept in Photoshop. The background would change depending on what you’re connecting to:


seeing the loading screen in the first post makes me feel comfy and makes me want to play the game ( for some reason it sets some sort of mood that surrounded gmt, making it have a sort of feel to it even when you finished loading, weird how a loading screen with some text can do that.)

The background is a little too blurry in my opinion.


There is a limitation with Unreal 4, we cannot show loading progress even if we wanted to.

As for the profile, that was something Foohy wanted as well.


Dang, that’s lame. Guess I’m going to have to update the concept, then.

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if it had some upbeat music playing in the background it would be great