Better color wheel

It would be great to have more advanced options for selecting colors. A color picker with an eyedropper tool (similar to Photoshop or other art applications) would be incredibly useful. Additionally, it would help to support various color formats such as hex codes, CMYK, HSV, and HSL, alongside the current RGB options.

On top of that, a revamp to the current RGB system might be necessary, as it doesn’t always produce the correct colors when used. Improving these features would make color selection much more versatile and accurate.

Oh yeah, I love practical suggestions like those. I mean, the more the merrier and it’s not always a bad thing, so I don’t see why not. This would likely not have a super high priority for devs but I imagine they could probably add that to the to-do list for one of the smaller updates somewhere along the way.

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This isn’t so much a suggestion but more at a bug

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I’m a massive nerd for exact coloration and sometimes want to color two or more things the exact same way, so this would be a godsend for those like me who want to have a consistent color scheme.