Better character models?

Will the current MakeHuman model be replaced with something less blobby? I’d prefer less polys over less definition.

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The entire character base is slated to get an upgrade. All in due time.


I hope they will splurge a little bit and get someone to make really good human models. For me that’s really a crucial part of a game. I don’t wanna look like a blob!

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I’m much more looking forward to different player models, i loved being a stormtrooper with a cat face and a tophat.
I know they probably won’t get stormtroopers and such since it’s no longer a mod but suddenly a real game where they could get sued for using copyrighted characters. I do however remember some talk about maybe getting together with various indie games, meaning you might be able t play as things like super meatboy or shovel knight.

Don’t quote me on this though, this was a while ago and i haven’t really been following up on what they have been doing for the last couple of months

They are waiting until they actually have a product to ship before they go out and ask indie titles if they can use their characters.

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