Ban the member above you (A fun game)

Banned for NOT being beautiful >:DD

this is a joke

Banned for being sexy.

Banned for not being sexy

banned for being too sexy

Banned for Being THICC

banned for calling a cup thicc

Banned because you got mugged. Get it?
As in: A mug is a cup.

banned for really stupid joke come on you can do better right

banned for really stupid joke come on you can do better left

banned for ever dumber joke

banner for ever dumbed joke

sup, I have nothing to contribute.

banned for your description saying your here to help, and then saying you have nothing to contribute

Banned for roasting
:laughing: :fire: :ok_hand:

banned for using those emojis

Banned for not using emojis. :angry: :anger:

Banned for using 2 emojis.

Banned for banning me for using emojis

banned for not exclusively using the b emoji

:b:anned for completely forgetting that.
:a: nd you also forgot that.

because i feel like it