Ban the member above you (A fun game)

Banned for compressing your words.

banned because i am cave johnson and i hate lemons

Banned because my words are cing
and idk who cave johnson is

banned because hes that guy from portal how can u not know

Banned because is it this guys?

banned for wrong guy its this guy

Banned because

banned for making me excite in a bad way with that

Banned for being excited

banned for blue balls that is an illegal substance

banned for alluding to not liking illegal substances

Banned for 3500 bans and happy birthday Luke

(not) Banned because thank you

Banned for having a birthday

banned for banning someone for celebrating a birthday

Banned for banning someone banning someone for having a birthday

banned for banning someone who is banning someone who banned someone for having a birthday

Banned because you are forgetting the day I signed up to the forums.

banned for signs

Banned for being beautiful.