Ban the member above you (A fun game)

Banned for not being welcoming of new players.

Banned for blaming the cows.

Banned for replying to almost every comment.

Banned for also being new to this game, and quite possibly the Forums.
Welcome to the insanity, please enjoy your stay.

Banned for welcoming newcomers to insanity, that is my job.

Banned for having that job

D :a: :b:

  1. excuse me, what?
  2. Banned for 2 seconds.

banned for not using

1. * List item

Banned for repeating the same thing over and over again in separate games, you have been banned for using that as well.

banned for

1. * not obeying the amazing list item

Banned because of BIG TEXT

Banned because you’re not called righty.

banned because i actually dont know any more reasons

Banned for having no more reasons

Banned for having headphones

Banned for loving dogs. Who likes canines, anyway? However, you’re unbanned for showing a profile picture of Ammy.

Banned for upsetting the doggos.

Banned for having googly eyes

1 Like

Banned for views against googly eyes!!!

Banned for being little