Hello! I made a map. It’s for Ball Race. You can download it onto your computer. It has 16 levels (2 of them are bonus ones).
It’s set in a forest park, complete with an obligatory government-mandated “Forestation Orb” (and a bunch of unregulated mystery orbs…). If you get lost, there’s a few bulletin boards scattered throughout with some useful information. You can read them if you squint your eyes hard enough.
I mostly just made this to mess around with Ball Race’s SDK tools and see if I could come up with any remotely original concepts, so it’s kind of all over the place. There’s a lot of moving/spinning platforms, lots of fans, a bit of water, some buttons (they’re not too annoying I promise). Maybe don’t expect, like, incredible genius-level game design from this map, but it’s still pretty fun I think.
If you liked this, I’ve also made “a few” other maps for other game worlds that you can look at if you want.
Other Maps
Little Crusaders
- Shady Oaks [GMod Tower Remake]
- Laboratory [GMT Port]
- Lost Beacon
- The Infernosphere
- Ettington
- Tree Town
- Oak Springs
- Bed & Bloodbath
- Foundry
- Sewage [GMT Port]
- Roadside
- Suburbs
- Ochre
- Boring
- Gumbo Gulch
- Cranius
- Seven Circles
- Wharf
- Overlook
- Gloop
- Sewage [GMT Virus Port]
- Tree Town [LC Port]
- Party Saucer
- Overclocked
- The Pit [GMT Port]