Ball Race - Sundown

Hello! I made a map. It’s for Ball Race. You can download it onto your computer. It has 16 levels (2 of them are bonus ones).

It’s set in a forest park, complete with an obligatory government-mandated “Forestation Orb” (and a bunch of unregulated mystery orbs…). If you get lost, there’s a few bulletin boards scattered throughout with some useful information. You can read them if you squint your eyes hard enough.

I mostly just made this to mess around with Ball Race’s SDK tools and see if I could come up with any remotely original concepts, so it’s kind of all over the place. There’s a lot of moving/spinning platforms, lots of fans, a bit of water, some buttons (they’re not too annoying I promise). Maybe don’t expect, like, incredible genius-level game design from this map, but it’s still pretty fun I think.

If you liked this, I’ve also made “a few” other maps for other game worlds that you can look at if you want.

Other Maps

Little Crusaders





Very much a great map! There’s definitely areas that could have been designed better, but it’s still relatively fun to play. Insane amount of effort you put into decorating some parts in this map!

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