Ball Race - More Difficult Maps Should Pay More Units

So I played Midori for the first time recently…and what I found was it was substantially more difficult than any of the other Ball Race maps. Between failing maps twice in a row and only a select few of us managing to reach the goal each round, it proved to be a low-scoring game. It lead me to think…shouldn’t those who can take on the challenge of more difficult maps and succeed be rewarded with a greater amount of units than they would get on easier maps?

I’d like to suggest a Unit payout multiplier on more difficult maps like Midori and Memories. While I don’t have a set number in mind, it should be high enough to incentize people to take on a greater challenge for greater reward, but not cease playing the other maps altogether.

To be clear, I’m not saying easier maps should pay less than they do now, I’m saying more difficult maps should pay more. What do you think?


Eh. I think that bringing yourself to play on Midori, Memories, and in the future, Prism and any other difficult maps is more the choice of you, the player, than the developers. I don’t think that it garners extra units, you play those maps for fun and if you’re looking to just play for units there’s no reason to play those maps over the easier ones.

No I don’t think this is a good idea, The professional players can become rich by farming Midori I would like this to happen actually for easy money, But its not fair for the average players. I don’t know…
What you think guys…

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I agree that this isn’t not an idea that should be implemented.
On the harder maps, You don’t really get points unless you complete them, Which if you then know how to complete them, Why should you get more points for it?
For example, Me and a bunch of randomers was stuck on a couple at first, And got a small amount of money but a lot of fun out of the map, Now once you have played it a few you figure out tricks and ways to complete the map and then you get your reward. The reward should not be boosted just because it is harder because still the people who is struggling more with the map still only get participating points and not completion points so this will only be befitting the people who can complete the map and therefore will not benefit the others.
Also it is a race. People get more points for there place too so if you want more points, Practice and and get good on the hard maps agaist people. Then you will have more points.