Attention GMT Donors - POLL CLOSING APRIL 4TH, 2016

@macdguy if the Minature Lobby 1 item becomes a thing, will there still be a lobby 1/2 plate?

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IIRC, the modelā€™s already in the game (same goes for the donor wine), so thereā€™s probably going to be a plate. Besides, the mini Lobby 1ā€™s only for donors/backers, so it would be unfair for non-donors who didnā€™t back if the plate didnā€™t exist.

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Ah, I see.

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To be clear, this applies to ā€˜Backersā€™ of the indiegogo right? not donators in GMT.

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Both GMT donors and Indiegogo backers will get the item, as it says in the OP, though the voting is meant for GMT donors.


Because the Indiegogo ended August.12

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In our Indiegogo campaign, (start of post indicates it is for backers of indiegogo) Maybe iā€™m the only one confused.

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This is purely targeted and will only apply to people who donated to GMT in the past. This doesnā€™t apply to backers to the Indiegogo.

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Ok, thank-you for clearing it up for me, because iā€™m getting alot of questions about it. :smiley:


The community voted item does apply to indiegogo backers, though.

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It says backers get it.

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According to @Matt and @Foohy, this only applies to people to donated 15$ to GMod Tower before August 15th.

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According to the OP of this thread:

So, either Mac needs to update the thread to remove that, or matt and foohy donā€™t know about the bonus for backers.

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Iā€™ll ask Mac as soon as he is available to me.

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Theyā€™re wrong.

The community item is given to all indiegogo backers, like the post states. The post is always up to date with the correct information.


Vix, ambassador of GMT for the noobs
(since sheā€™s always online and the closest figure to an admin)

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How ā€œminiā€ is the Mini Lobby 1 Trophy?


Thatā€™s a good question.

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I voted for the Sunabouzu Shrine, as I became aware of GMT through DasBoSchittā€™s video calling for backers for Tower Unite, and thus I have zero connection to Lobby 1. Never even seen it, I donā€™t think. Also, I have spent too much goddamn money on Spin to Win to never see the Shrine.

I get that Lobby 1 is really important to a lot of people, and it sounds like youā€™ve already got the Lobby 1 model in the game, so maybe give donors and backers a choice during the GMT account transfer thing-- the Lobby 1 model, or whatever the runner-up is in this poll? Cause it looks like the model is gonna win at this point, and I mean it could probably fetch a lot of Units, or it would look nice as a reminder that I backed TU, but other than that it would have no value to me. The Shrine or the Text Hat at least are things Iā€™ve either wanted to see or have seen in GMT, so they would just generally be more valuable to me than the Lobby 1 model would be.

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