Arcade Ticket Payout Adjustment

I’ll start by saying I absolutely love the Arcade. I love having so many mini games to go around and play, switching between the different machines and enjoying the general atmosphere of the area.

That said, there’s one big glaring issue with the Arcade, and that is that all machines are not created equal.

It really is a shame, but it feels like on many machines, your time is being wasted. If you have any ticket goals at all, you don’t feel good about going for the jackpot on Dizzy, or playing a round of Skee Ball. They barely give any tickets at all, and it feels like you’d be better off just playing something else.

In this thread, I’ll be using Super Hoopers as my example. Super Hoopers, I believe, has a proper ticket payout. Coincidentally, it is also the highest paying game in the arcade as far as I know. In 45 seconds, one can get ~900 tickets per game on average if one is skilled at the game. Another common game people use to get tickets is Little Birde Feeders, which gives ~500 tickets per game if you get all of the seeds in the bird.

While I’m not asking for every game to be raised to the high payout of a skillful Super Hoopers player, I do think that payout should be raised to be at least competitive with the other machines. Games like Skee Ball, Stack 'Em, and most importantly to me, Planetary Piano, hardly give any tickets at all. This is quite an unfortunate thing, as the games can be fun if you are just relaxing and having a good time.

I’ve gone through the entire Arcade, and tested each machine. Most machines seem to pay out ~50-100 tickets per game. I propose that the calculations be raised to a more competitive number, say ~300-500. Now it might sound ridiculous to raise it by that much, but not only would it save people time on the grind to get an item from the Asteroid Belt (grind tends to be unenjoyable), but it also makes other games viable for ticket earning, if you’d rather play a different game.

I’ve made a list of low earning, medium earning, and high earning games in the arcade, and I hope that the devs might consider discussing raising the ticket output of the low machines. I’d love to give more in-depth thoughts on each machine, but for the sake of keeping this thread shorter, I’ll only use one game as an example.

Let’s take Dizzy and make it viable.

First off, Dizzy costs 10 tokens per game, which is high as far as machines go. I think it would be good to raise the ticket output from single digit numbers (1-10, which is absolutely ridiculous), to 10-100. This would still be a small amount of payout, but hey, anything’s better than the abysmal numbers it has now.
I’d also propose raising the increase on the jackpot. Perhaps multiply it by three, or even five. The average Dizzy jackpot is around 250 tickets, which is again, rather low, especially for a jackpot (even if it is somewhat easy to get.) Multiplying that, and the rate of increase by three would make that jackpot around 750 tickets, which isn’t crazy at all, and five would be 1,250 tickets, which again, isn’t crazy at all, but enticing.

That’s just one example among many, and that’s all just off the top of my head. There are some machines that could use some balancing—making the average payout closer to the bonus, for example—and most machines could use better numbers in general. Keep in mind that even with these increased numbers, even if machines had an average payout of ~300-500, people would still have to play quite a lot to get all the Arcade prizes they want.

I hope that my suggestion will be seriously considered, as I genuinely believe it will make the game more enjoyable, and bring more players into the Arcade. Thank you for taking the time to read my thread, if you have; it really means a lot to me. I wish you all a lovely day, and have a happy Hallowe’en!


Low earning:
Ring God (average player)
The Offering
Avalanche (the gap between average earnings and the bonus is too big, especially when it often comes down to 10 points)
Salmon Says (very time consuming, does not compensate with more tickets)
The Ice Cave
Skee Ball
Wheely Rigged
Stack 'Em
Meteoroid Mania!
Newton’s Apples (Absurdly low)
Whirl-a-fish (higher jackpot would be great, as it’s super hard to get anyway)
Lonely Gun 30XX
Planetary Piano (pleeease raise the payout for this, I adore this game)

Medium earning:
Bug Bytes
Ring God (good player)
Little Birde Feeders

High earning:
Super Hoopers
Little Birde Feeders (Flawless round)

some of the games like dizzy, lonely gun, newton’s apples and tornado are critically needing a raised payouts. although they base it on how long and the skill needed to set their pricing, this still isn’t properly balanced.


Taking into account skilled players is important, though I think that if someone is really good at Dizzy, or Lonely Gun, or Newton’s Apples and can get the payout reliably, then more power to them. I believe the rates should be balanced towards the more general player, and have the higher rates as a possibility for those who are very good at the game, like most things tend to be.

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I doubt they’ll change the ticket amount even though it needs it badly. So far to get the wowzoola item which is 2.5 million tickets, you would have to be on specifically avalanche for around 40-50 hours. Bonus every time (which too be fair, is extremely easy to get) But using most other machines would require 80-120 hours I assume. So using stuff like Wheel of Fire HOPING to eventually to get that 1000 ticket jackpot after a few mins is completely useless when it’s practically confirmed to get 500 in avalanche in 25 seconds.

Like the grind for that item would be a lot less painful if you could use other machines.
But like I said, the devs seem pretty set on keeping the ticket prices the same, so I doubt we’ll see change.

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and since wheel of fire is purely luck-based, it costs 20 tokens per play. if you have better skills in other games then that game isn’t worth to play.

I mean, personally I think I just need wowazoola to be brought down to 1.5 million instead of 2.5 since I got like 700k tickets and it’s been a long grind of like 10 hours

Mac has said that he wants to work on a ticket balancing update in the future. It might be included in the Phase 2 update, just a guess.


I don’t mind the Wow-o-zela being really really expensive. I like that there’s straight up just clout items in the game, like the paper crown.

my main issue is that UNLESS you’re grinding one specific machine, making sure you always get the jackpot every single time, it’s gonna take at least 80-120 hours. That’s more than any milestone reward. Hell that’s like maxing out 3-4 milestone tabs.

Valid! All the more reason to hope for ticket payout raises. Would be nice to not just have to no-life Super Hoopers for days.

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I’ve been saying on the discord that we plan to readjust ticket payouts. We also have had plans for bonus ticket events (there’s the bonus signs above each machine) that will give double tickets every so often per machine for even more ticket earning. There’s also a ticket vault that’s coming in phase 2 or 3 which is a vault full of tickets that opens up (for a short period of time) after people playing in the arcade collectively play games to power open the vault. And based on the survey (and what our plans have been) we plan to have double ticket/unit/EXP weekends.


(accidentally deleted my post trying to edit it)
Ticket vault you say?

Do we get to rob it?

(iTs PaYdAy FeLLas)