Arcade Machine Timer

It would be really nice to have like a 5sec timer when finished with machines to help from people stealing machines, items, or jackpots. Getting really tired getting a jackpot on Whirl-a-Fish to 999 or whatever value just to have some1 walk up and steal my machine and win the jackpot.
All I’m asking for a a 5-7sec timer once the game is over or during the ticket drop so that player who was playing it is basically saved to that machine to prevent stealing.


what about that the player can’t play the same machine at the same position except bug bytes and planetary piano for 3 continuous times, wanting to play again should go with the other machine(s) first?
that way prevents people steals the same machine for way too long.

Well sharing is caring.


this has been posted so many times before, just share


I’m fine with sharing and all, but some just walk up and literally steal and hog a machine. I grind on a specific machine like the casino Grand Quest I’d gladly get off it once I get the Jackpot which doesn’t take long. It’s especially annoying when there’s multiple machines open and all they they see is free jackpot tickets to steal.
Imagine getting shoved off your machine IRL, I’d get security on them, I don’t have that kind of luxury other than reporting so it would be nice to have some sort of security bubble.

Sharing is caring sure, but walking up and stealing someones jackpot is just plain rude.


I said it in another thread and I’ll say here, Tokens should be the thing that kicks you off machines (when you run out of token) not other people. A similar thing can be found in real arcades. Can’t say I’ve been to an arcade in real life where I’ve been shoved off a machine by someone else.


I agree with adding a timer to the arcade machines because of my previous experiences, I’ll be playing Dizzy to grind out some tickets because I wanted to unlock the Vespa Scooter for fun, I’ll load into a low player count server (around 5-10 people) and start playing some arcade games, I don’t want to hog on a machine in a busy plaza while other people have to wait. Even though there are 5 other Dizzy machines, these 2 guys didn’t want to share, so they took my Dizzy machine and started playing on that, of course I didn’t mind so I moved over to the other Dizzy machine, then as soon as I finished playing his friend, breathing down my neck spaming E took my machine again. I really don’t understand this “sharing is caring” arguement when the people stealing jackpots and other peoples machines are not willing to share with others, even though there are 5 other machines right next to you.


Completely fair point, I agree. When tokens run out that’s valid, but being shoved off a machine is silly


Here I am playing Whirl-A-Fish getting my Jackpot over 750, and here come 2-3 other people that I’m assuming are in a group raiding my machine I’ve been playing. I kindly ask them that they don’t steal my machine and all I get is a share machines, get gud, or toxic attitude in response. This has happened me on multiple occasions (like 5 or more times today).

How am I supposed to feel about this? It doesn’t feel good at all and people are being toxic and abusing the system. There’s a reason people can’t steal machines in the casino and that there’s an afk timer/reminder.

Sure sharing on games like for instance Birdie feeders, its quick, has not jackpot, and people can easily line up for it, but that may take some coordination sure but it can happen. Games like Whirl-A-Fish or Dizzy have it completely different since they have Jackpots, so they should have a somewhat casino vibe to them. Some sort of timer needs to happen on these two machines to prevent moochers.


Not sure how it’s hogging when there’s literally multiple open machines right next to it :thinking:

Wow, this has been suggested such a long time ago and is still an issue. I was feeding Dragon’s Treasure today trying to get a high score and someone swooped in to get the chests and stacks of coins I worked on. The machine next to me was empty. Once he was done, he disconnected.

Isn’t this scenario the reason why arcade games are paid with tokens, which are capped, instead of units?

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