I really liked Condo OS when Gmod Tower Lobby 2 was released. I was just wondering if you could bring back Condo OS when you add the party option in condos. I think this is what it would look like.
I would honestly love condOS to come back but I’m pretty sure this has been suggested multiple times. If you’re wondering why they got rid of condOS it is because they replaced it with the C menu, although once again I would love for them to bring it back!
It is already confirmed that they are bringing it back, but whatever.
I strongly prefer CondoOS over some simple C menu. But you should still be able to use the C menu for quick access, CondoOS would just be a neat little feature.
It was a 3D, physical version of Tower Unite’s C key menu on a wall-mounted tablet next to the entrance door. Definetly one of GMod Tower’s coolest features.
It was pretty cool indeed. When looking at all the icons, each of them was a button, and they are in order:
Locking and Unlocking Condo
various Settings (like condo name, CondoOS background)
Camera that watches what is happening infront of your door
Condo Music
Guest Management where you could kick and ban guests from your condo
I don’t even remember what the clock one was
and those bottles probably meant starting a party.
Because now we are in UE4, CondoOS can become even better than it was in GMT.