[Answered!] How can fishing benefit us in TU?

Jeez, Sooorry.

Play on any DarkRP server with a phone addon and you’ll realize how useless phones are in most multiplayer video games. I voted for drones, but I’m alright with fishing winning, sounds like a fun way to earn some Units or rare loot.

While I am also a little bit against fishing, if we add a bunch of cool features to it, it might not end up as plain as the dislikers of fish imagine. If we would make fishing simply like this: catch basic fish x17 -> sell basic fish -> catch one rare fish -> decorate condo with one rare fish -> repeat, then it’d surely end up boring. So we should many many kinds of baits, common fish, slightly less common fish, uncommon fish, rare fish and super rare fish, and more. More should come later though, because we didn’t make ourselves any real plan on how fishing should work in TU.
I would have voted for Customizable Karts in Accelerate because I imagined that one being one of the most useful and beneficial things we could vote for.

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Fishing is gonna be the new wheel of luck

Inb4 starfish trophy


It seems some people can’t stand different opinions.

I think every option in the poll (but the RC Tank) would add some nice features to the game, and I wouldn’t be upset of any of tgem winning. I really doubt they won’t be adding some of those features in the future though


It seems some people can’t stand different opinions.

I don’t think you understand, it’s not that i ‘can’t stand’ that fishing won, i admit i’m a bit disappointed, but like i said, if i was really upset about it, wouldn’t i be raging and b**ching about it?

I was more or less confused about how fishing can benefit us in TU, as i was questioning it’s useful-ness in the gam


Fishing benefits those that want to have a calming and fun experience out on the ocean, whilst still having a bit of fun in the process. Think about it a bit. We’re getting a massive ocean to explore. It would be kind of lame to not have some kind of fishing feature for it. We could fish for pets or food.

“Woah, Jake, I got me a fat one!”

“I swear to God, Bob, if it’s another couch…”


But I wasn’t referring to you

OK. We get it fishing won. And some people don’t like fishing. I’m sure one of the devs noticed this thread and is probably going to add good features for the people that don’t like fishing. Just don’t start a 100 reply hate war.

I seriously wonder if people read the title and the posts…

Agreed. It was to ask how it benefits. Not rant which is better.

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That comment made my day :wink:

I honestly did see potential in fishing, but I’ve been on family fishing trips every year for six years of my life and they usually aren’t incredibly fun. If something interesting is added to the fishing besides just “drop your hook in and hope you get something” then I can see it being not entirely boring to me. I also do appreciate its livening up of the ocean, as this way, the ocean isn’t just there, you can actually do something out on the water.

Honestly, I was really hoping for customisable karts. I love customisation and honsetly I thought it would easily win. Guess not, haha. And anyway, what with the custom servers, everything on that list has a good chance of being in the game. Somebody’ll make all of those things as custom server plugins, I’m sure.