July 27, 2016, 7:53pm
Hi, I’m @Leftie . I have been playing TU for a while now, and I just discovered what the word “social” meant, so here we go.
I am known my a few in the community for being on 0% of the time, and when i am on, I fuck around in my condo in singleplayer.
On the forums, I am known for making the world’s first cancer bank (feel free to deposit some shitposts) , and also I am now most likely on the bad side of macdguy because of this post .
I played an massive 13 hours on GMTower and loved it, but missed the closing of GMT.
I also have fallen into Under-hell (Undertale hell) by complete accident
this pic explains it all
I create random maps in (a cracked version of) RPGMaker MV and dream of becoming a game developer. I also am left-handed. Terrifying, I know.
I also have a shitty YT with 1 video and no schedule. check it out here , I couldn’t care less if you did or not.
Im a moderator on a GMod DarkRP server. i have no regrets giving the GT link
k bai
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Welcome to the Community! 13 hours is pretty good but not to seem rude have you seen some other players times on the game? Lol me with my 194 hours Either way Welcome to our community!
I also am left-handed.
Im triggered
Welcome to the community!
July 27, 2016, 8:24pm
Welcome to the community!
I also am left-handed.
Im triggered
Also welcome to our glorious community!
Been awhile since I’ve said this but,
Welcome Welcome From Your Official TU Robo Waifu!
You’re left-handed? That’s just not right. Get it? 'Cause you’re not right handed? I’ll see myself out…
Seriously, though, welcome to the forums even though you’ve been here awhile ! Enjoy your stay!
1 Like
Hai @Leftie !
Also, I like your TU video. :3
Late welcome to the new tower and familiar forums. Who doesn’t like asriel.
It’s never too late to join the party! also you might need some therapy for the undertale hell stuff (don’t blame you though)
Please,The party hasn’t even started yet.
We are still trying to put air in the balloons.
I am afraid that ur late to the party.
Welcome to the party regardless!