Allow people to set their own prices on items they make

Allow people to set prices on workshop items. If someone downloads the item, he/she pays Units directly to the creator of said item.

Love the idea but I think you would have to make some sort of “Embeddable Web Tool” for it to work on the Workshop.

Even then I seem to remember one of the devs saying you won’t be able to trade Units.

While I think the idea is original and it generally makes sense that the profits from selling that item goes to the creator, I think that the workshop is going to be filled with junk in an effort to get it in a shop and sell it in order to get tons of units from it. I don’t want to see the workshop cluttered with dumb or unfinished addons made for a quick buck.

EDIT: If I made an item and I uploaded it to the workshop and added it to a store, couldn’t I get it for free if all the units go to myself? Then, couldn’t I use the “sell” button to earn more Units every time?

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If I remember correctly, all Workshop items will be completely free anyway.

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easily fixable

It won’t have to be in a shop, you open UI which connects to the workshop, loads prices and connects them to workshop entries, and you can buy anything you want (you know, because condo is hosted by you. It’s already confirmed you’ll be able to get anything from the workshop into your condo)[quote=“Suburban, post:4, topic:4310, full:true”]
If I remember correctly, all Workshop items will be completely free anyway.
I suggest to change this.

The current plan, as I know of it, is that Rob’s Imports will be the shop for Workshop Items as well as Thrift Items.

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I’d prefer if the workshop items would have a price set by the item creator for purchase in whatever store they choose (options like this could be set in a configuration file before uploading to the workshop), but I don’t think people should actually be paid Units for uploads. Neither should they get a discount on their own items… that’s just too unbalanced. The items should be just like regular items, sold at a respective store, and no extra added benefits for anyone in particular.

This is one example of “getting paid for doing nothing” that just seems both unfair and capable of ruining the game experience for someone. Can you imagine getting paid 4,000 Units every 2-5 minutes because 5s of servers are using your mod? There would be no point in playing the game if there’s no value with the curency, and no goal to reach.

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getting paid for creating a great item many people like
but the rest… yeah,you’re right

We decided against letting modders set Unit prices on their custom items.

There were a couple factors that went into this decision:

  • We have no desire to curate a digital economy.
  • People could reupload an alternate version of an expensive item available in Tower, and set the price to 1 Unit.
  • People could scam other players by changing the prices of an item, or setting unfair values.
  • Someone would have to moderate prices.
  • Someone would have to handle refunds.

In consideration of all of these factors we decided against adding this feature.

We’re sticking to the genuine / non-genuine method. Official Tower items will have a set price and be labeled as genuine, where items from the workshop will be free and labeled as non-genuine. This balance of items within your condo will total into an overall statistic attached to your condo, showing what percentage of your condo is real Tower items you had to spend time to purchase.

We also have a system in mind to promote workshop items as official, genuine items.


I think it would be a great idea to impliment some type of workshop allowing people to make and market cosmetics. It would be really interesting to see what some artists and 3d modelers come up with. Even if you could only make the designs on already modeled clothing, I would enjoy admiring and making t shirt art.

What if they don’t choose the price? Why not have a system in place where you can spend currency to make a design for a specific item (like making a design for a shirt) and then you can sumbmit it (each submission having a reasonable time interval between eachother). Then there can be a voting system, or creators can just choose specific designs. The 3 top voted or chosen designs after every year or longer can be priced depending on how many votes they get. The store the itens are put on “pays” the creators slowly depending on the amount of money you made for the store.