AFK Kicking

Please start kicking AFK players (When the server gets full). This will help when big updates come out and all of the servers are very full

Not sure how I feel about this, maybe have this only at peak times? Or at least have the AFK timer be pretty generous.


I have thought about this. I wasn’t sure to make this suggestion but I saw someone say it in global chat so I put it on here. Usually, TU is empty enough to not warrant a system for automatic kicking but during peak times, it’s hell trying to find a server that isn’t full


Perhaps the AFK kicker would only activate if A: the server is full, B: another player is trying to connect, and C: the AFK player has been AFK for X amount of time or more. For example, let’s say the timer for C is 5 minutes, if I’m AFK for 5 minutes, I am not kicked. But, if the server fills up and one more person tries to join while I’m still AFK, then I am kicked. If I have only been AFK for 3 minutes, the server fills up, and one more person tries to join, then I would not be kicked since not enough time has passed.

This could be paired with a longer, guaranteed kick for non-full servers. For example, if I’ve been AFK for an entire hour, perhaps I’ll just be kicked regardless of if the server is full, since that’s an absurd amount of time to be AFK for.


Would there be a way to detect when people are trying to join but can’t?


That’d be on the dev side of things. I imagine the server recieves a join request when someone tries to join, and I assume it can then perform the AFK check, though obviously I don’t know the actual details. Even if it can’t, checking based on rules A and C alone would probably be enough.


I’m all for this, as long as there are warnings ahead of time. Possibly something like 10 minutes before you’re kicked, with a warning at 5 minutes.


Given how frequently the servers restart/crash, I almost think this wouldn’t be necessary, as soon as a server goes down for whatever reason, it gives people a chance to scramble back into it, and those who are AFK, well, they aren’t there to claim a player slot.

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We shouldn’t rely on server crashes to remove AFK players. Assuming the server crashing issue is fixed, the AFK issue would persist.


I was thinking that people would catch on to how I was joking, but eh, guess I was too subtle

Also once the amount of players decreases, which it will after a little bit, It probably won’t be so much of an issue

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when most of the servers are on peak and other players are nowhere to play, i would be absolutely agreeing with this suggestion.

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I should have probably been more specific with my suggestion. It’s more of a system that would activate when the servers are full. It would also have a warning system to ensure that players don’t just get kicked out of nowhere.