Additional mover functions

Some additional features that could be added to the mover that I came across when playing with it:

Mover Simple


  • Rename stop rotation to pause rotation, have a separate stop rotation output that resets to the original rotation (currently, rotation angle is maintained if rotation is stopped while the mover is moving, but reset if rotation is stopped when the mover is stopped, so behavior is inconsistent)
  • ResumeCW and ResumeCCW to unpause rotation in a set direction (clockwise, counterclockwise), StartCW and StartCCW to start from original rotation
  • toggle for whether rotation automatically starts on condo load (as it automatically rotates by default)
  • option to set default rotation direction (CW or CCW)
  • slower rotation options than 0.01

Face Towards:

  • lock axis (e.g. only rotate on the z axis)

Rotate To:

  • option to rotate greater than 180 degrees during movement

Move To:

  • StopEnd (forces mover to the end)
  • ResumeForward and ResumeBackward to resume movement in a set direction

These are all good, I’ll work on adding them.

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