Add The Ability To Enable/Disable Object Interactions

Quick tl;dr example: give an option to make seats unsittable, instruments unplayable, etc, on a per-item basis, through its Edit menu.

While set-dressing my condo, I always like to try and sit NPCs on or near interactable objects. The issue is, however, that you can theoretically “interact” with those objects: not only does it have the potential to break the “immersion” of a space, but you sometimes can get stuck [especially on seats], prompting you to K out, if possible.

It would be cool to have a toggle to turn off the interactive portion of an object. I know that for instruments, there is a general enable/disable instrument use in Rules-- and, in the case that it is disabled, either the per-item toggle could be unavailable, or the default interact status of newly-placed instruments can be set to “disabled”.

For now, you can add invisible walls over items as a temporary solution.


Invisible Canvas Walls/Primitives are a very good temporary solution, yeah (larger meshes overriding interactions is an interesting feature, figured that one out through NPC/Portal overlapping) but there is added tedium to items with an irregular hitbox [looking at you, Piano and Curved Couch].

The unfortunate fact that the entire object mesh can be interacted with means you’ve got two options: a. go lazy or b. spend several minutes attempting to precisely cover the entire thing.


Couch, chair, plushie… Doubles your object loadables.