Add SDNL movement to Snowball Battle

Snowball battle feels very slow and I often don’t play for this reason. SDNL movement would turn it into a fast paced exciting game mode & I have a feeling more people would join for this reason

Agree to disagree.
It keeps two games different. On top of game mechanics. Throwing snowballs would be harder as it is.


It would be like trying to hit a fly with one of those school bully spitball straw contraptions, except there’s a 0.5 sec delay to the shot due to latency.


Gotta agree with the others. Snowball battle is already hard enough. It would be borderline unplayable with movement like SDNL.

I feel the whole gamemode could be updated alongside new movement, it’s fun with a large group of people but with two or three moving so slowly in a large arena I think most tend to lose interest

I agree SDNL movement would be a bit much, but yeah movement feels really slow. A move speed buff would be nice, but maybe it could be kept as-is and a run button with limited stamina could be added instead? Might be interesting, maybe