Add "Male 07" as a Player Model


Moved it because I don’t see the point of that “suggestion” tbh :expressionless:


this was the model i used in gmtower

ill never forget you

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nooo it was a suggestion to add male07

This felt really wrong and intrusive for me to look at and I didn’t know why until I looked up what male_07 really looked like

Also, his head is very memorable. Many a “personal skin” I had seen on that was just a Male_07 clothes reskin…

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i doubt it will happen because of copyright or something but I’ve changed it back to suggestions and made the topic title a bit more descriptive for you.

male_09 is where it’s at

dang i have to agree because male 07 and male 09 are truly iconic for some odd reason
very handsome men

Aside from the city 17 jumpsuit, I don’t see how anyone could place a copyright on an ordinary human male.

Anyway, I always liked using the combine elite model, it’d be cool if something like it was in Tower, oh well.

It’ll never happen, but in a parallel universe where it could, we also need male 08.

They won’t get sued if they remake the model from scratch
use yer noggin

There is be a lot more character customization options in the future, so maybe it’ll be possible to make your character look similar to Male 07

I’ll gladly take this handsome fellow from Matt’s twitter.


It’s funny that our player models look like a bunch of kids, but here we have a grown ass man playing with toys in his underwear :smile:

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