Ability to make the game longer/endless

I love this game, honestly one of my favorites, but it’s honestly wayyyy too short, in a zombie survival game like this, I would really love a way to go for as long as I can, either in single player or with friends, so if there would be a way to implement and endless mode on any map, that would be awesome! With a boss every 6 waves or something like that.

With there being more zombies and they have rather more health or more damage, something to make it even harder, because eventually you will max out your upgrades, and at that point it’s all about survival.

Would be really fun to see how far you can go

Endless mutation would be great, or Survival mode. If all players survived except the others, the game continues and the dead player watch as spectators, or can either resume or give up (leave to game world ports).

But if all players died, the game ends, and anyone can either switch maps or go back to the game world ports.

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a survival mode is GREAT! that’s an awesome idea! you still have the lives you get, but you cant get revived by being killed as a zombie you just go into spectator, the only way to get revived is for the wave to end!

thats an awesome idea dude

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