Ability to freely fly camera around hole/course before putting

I was wondering why there’s no ability for you to freemove your camera around the course before taking your swing, and I think adding this feature would be a great QOL improvement for minigolf as a whole, because it would allow you to get your bearings on the course, see where shortcuts are and plan your shots better. It would also allow us to better appreciate all the artistic details put into each course.
Other minigolf games have had this feature, such as Kirby’s Dream Course, I’m wondering why it isn’t in this one.

Good question. I guess it was assumed the fly over the camera does in the beginning is enough to see the course. But it would definitely help to have more flexibility

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Seconding this, there have been a lot of times where I’d make a bad putt just because i don’t know the layout of the course too well and the way ahead was difficult to see.

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