A "rigged" experience of playing Triple Diamonds for about 7 hours... - A true story by TrappingGull

Times are in CEST.
Based on a true story…

10 AM - 12 PM

I annoyed myself with the following songs when trying to aim for jackpot on Triple Diamonds:
Franzl Lang yodelling for 25 minutes
Bibi yodelling for 30 mins
Giga Pudding for 45 mins (0-19 mins)

12 PM - 1 PM

I continue annoying myself with the following songs:
Giga Pudding for 45 minutes (19-45 mins)
and then last but not least: Serious Sam 2 - Mental Institution on repeat
Server RIPped.

1 PM - about 5 PM

I continue annoying myself with Bolbi’s “slap slap slap clap clap clap”
People like Skull are believing in me to get a Jackpot…

1 and 30 minutes of slapping and clapping was in and i started listening to “Rave Racer - Euphoria” on repeat…

The End

Due to my father cutting off the internet for a while to switch over to a new one, my machine that i’m sitting on with 20k jackpot got occupied…

End of story.

And oh don’t forget that i shhh-ed some people!


clap clap clap


slap slap slap

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We appreciate your mental sacrifice.


I’ve been through 6 hours now. I just want my money and log off D: at 21.5k right now lol

Theres a ryhme I would like to do, but its not appropriate for the forums.