So me and alot of other model uploaders have been kinda tired and frustrated of the tower unite model uploading, so here is a few suggestions / requests that we can want and need.
better shader support or atleast proper full bright texture option that doesn’t blow out the texture.
Custom armature support of proportional sliders that allow for a wider range of a model shapes with out janky rigging.
a better way to handle how texture work ingame and normal map support for models. as far as I can tell, normal maps are not currently supported in tower unite.
a proper rework of importing models that gets rid of the extra verts that get added on upon import.
custom collisions for prop imports that you can set up yourself, far too often the collisions are broken on custom workshop props, making them unusuable.
Dynamic bone support of some kind would be greatly appreciate but not required.
I hate to dread back on previous points but please for the love of god give us more shaders, the current toon shader sucks.
P.S People often say the reason for the lack of custom armature is the animations, but VRCHAT uses the same animations, and it has a far more free system, and frankly, I call BS on engine limitation.
I see no reason why unreal enginge would struggle with atleast custom proportions.