A lot of things in this post

I’ve been playing quite a bit of virus recently and I noticed some things I kind of don’t like. Instead of a super long essay, I’m gonna do a bullet list and explain some things in there.

-Nerf the DB shotgun
-Nerf the charge (secondary) of the laser rifle
-Buff the range of the sonic shotgun (secondary)
-Remove the ability to see team-mates through walls as survivor
-Remove the radar OR the sound as survivor?

Ok well that was the short stuff. Here is why I think some weapons should be changed. When I usually play everyone groups up and then always pull out the DB or the Rifle. If I become infected there usually is no chance of winning since they always one shot me. It’s annoying but then I learn to flank and start surprising them. Now when I started playing again recently I learned that there is a new “radiation” sound to show where the zombies are. The thing is you already have the radar too! So now you can see and hear the zombies! This makes it substantially harder for the infected to try to surprise attack or go for them. Instead, having to pick off the loners to build up. I think it would be better if either the radar or the sound was removed. Allowing the survivors to group up and try to stay together to prevent having the infected surprise them and infect them all.

The thing with the sonic shotgun secondary is I like it a lot it’s a neat idea having to push them back. Although the only time I’ve ever had to use it was when the infected was nearly breathing on me, not to mention most of the time (personally at least) I can’t get it to work. Not to mention if the round has the DB (double barrel) everyone just uses that!

Now, back to the whole infected radar thing. The survivors can see through walls to see their team-mates, I feel like this is a bit too powerful. You can get separated and know exactly where your team is to go group back up. It should be that you have to use the radar to see where your team is at least I feel so.

SO all in all, I pretty much would like to remove the Sound for the infected, OR remove the ability to see team-mates through walls. I would like to see the buffs/nerfs I mentioned but never gonna happen lol. Although I feel that if the infected were able to sneak up (the radar or the sound removed and the ability to see through walls as survivor.) then the guns wouldn’t really need a rework anyways.

P.S Why does the Infected need a radar if they can see through walls? I think that the infected should have no radar but see through walls, survivors can’t see through walls but can use their radar to see enemies and team-mates.

Sorry if this is a ramble post i’m not very good at these types of things.

i actualy much rather see some infected improvements, they get taken down more often and easily then survivors.

enraged mode is almost useless because all survivors have surplus of DB’s or plasma rifles and simply camp with TNT’s.


I don’t agree with removing the silhouettes for survivors, being able to see everyone is very important and would be putting survivors at a large disadvantage if it was taken away, imo.

I wouldn’t want the beeping to be removed either (although I really want there to be a more subtle sound, GMT had a geiger counter noise which was a lot easier on the ears imo). It’s really useful/convenient for me to be able to hear when an infected is nearby rather than having to constantly check the radar.

Infected not having a radar would barely do anything, I don’t really see the need to remove that. It’s not completely useless either, since it can show if anyone’s behind you.

I strongly agree with nerfing the plasma rifle’s secondary, though. There really should not be any one-hit kill weapons besides the TNT, crossbow, and flak handgun, imo. It just feels unfair trying to chase after someone and they just instantly pulverize you because the game decided to give everyone 10 free instakills.


The Double Barrel and Plasma Rifle alt-fire are both perfectly fine imo. The survivors need to be able to one shot Infected or else chain infections would be completely impossible to prevent, and the survivors would just never win. At best, they should change the loadout system to where you can’t get multiple one shotting weapons in the same loadout (so no flak + DB + plasma rifle one-shotfests.) The only weapon that needs to be nerfed on the survivor side is the Tommy Gun, 22 damage a shot in a 180 round gun is absolutely insane.

Sonic shotgun is definitely in need of a buff in-line with the double barrel though. The alt-fire on it is literally a meme and the new spread is so large and it’s damage is so low it makes it almost unusable. I feel they should bring it back to GMT, where it had a manageable spread that was possible to one shot with if you hit every pellet.

Removing the radar, wall silhouettes, and infected audio crackles would just serve to make the experience more annoying. Being able to look around the world and seeing the other players is alot more enjoyable than having your eyes glued to the radar in the top left corner of your screen. Stuff like serves to make the gamemode more accessible and polished, removing it would only be detrimental.

As someone said above, the only changes I think they should do (besides the Tommy gun nerf) are changes to how the Infected play. The survivors are really solid to play as atm, the infected just need a few tweaks to make them stand up to survivors better and make their gameplay a bit more interesting.