A 2 3 4 5 doesn't count as a straight in Poker

I was playing poker in the casino and I got a A 2 3 4 5, which should count as a straight. It said I had high card and didn’t win the hand.

A isn’t 1
and can’t be like J Q K A 2

In Tower Unite, aces are always high.
10|J|Q|K|A, for instance, would be a valid straight.
Q|K|A|2|3, however, would not be.


this is a standard poker type, so it is not just in Tower Unite.

In normal holdem poker it is possible to use the ace as a 1. Its called a “wheel”. You are correct that you cant do a J Q K A 2 though.

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Why would it be called “Texas Holdem” then, when it’s not actually texas holdem?

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And how come there isn’t any small or big blinds? Everyone is forced to go in at min bet.
There is a lot of things that make this different from normal texas holdem

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