6497 - In the 1987 monster cereal commercial, the catchphrase is Fruity Yummy Mummy makes your tummy _______

Remember the monster cereal ads when General Mills introduces Fruity Yummy Mummy?

Question: In the 1987 monster cereal commercial, the catchphrase is Fruity Yummy Mummy makes your tummy _______.

Correct: go yummy
Wrong: go ugly, go mummy, go dummy.

This question is easy, also the wrong answers make this part pretty funny.

Fruity Yummy Mummy makes your tummy go crazy aahhhh go stupid aahhhhh

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so what are you trying to accomplish? Is the answer currently incorrect? you don’t specify the problem.

I’m pretty sure he’s suggesting a question to add.

Unfortunately, they are pending to add new questions in Open Trivia Database.

Sorry If I made some questions I may recognize.

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Fruity Yummy Mummy makes your tummy go oo ee oo aa aa ting tang walla walla bing bang™