6/3/2016 Stream Questions Thread

Progress on the Soundcloud player. And what media would you support, (I.E Mp3 FLAC that sort of stuff.)

Sorry I have another question: Is it too soon to assume another codebranch migration to the recent UE4 update. It has some nice stuff regarding reflections mostly would benefit from :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: Actor merging is also an interesting thing that could help out with drawcalls!

The issue with the reflection features is that they consume way more GPU performance than Screen Space reflections. It still would be amazing to have the option to turn these effects on.

I assume that they won’t port over to 4.12 because there are no important features available that impact the game. Blueprint to C++ conversion is still in beta so they won’t ship their with that. Also it’s really hard for them to port their custom code over to a new version. So they might skip this release.

True. Having the option though for those of us with beefy GPU’s would be nice.

In August 2015, a topic asked if “Material paint cans” (one-use items that could give condo items a special texture/Material, like the golden watch does) could be a thing. Macdguy responded with “materials could definitely be a thing in the future.” Has there been any development on ideas relating to this topic that you could share?

Will we get Christmas tree and Disco Balls?
And also, when Bowling will be available?