6/3/2016 Stream Questions Thread

Post your questions here.

Anything for Golf carts for items or a props.


Is there plans for adding youtube video titles in front of the cinema like in lobby 1?


Any condo games planned, like card/board games? maybe even pool?


can you please add the hole number to the mini golf lobby list


A possible new jet pack allowing players to briefly boost in any horizontal direction?


also please fix the jetpacks for people with high ping im in australia with horrible ping and the only way i can use the jetpacks is if im hosting the lobby


How about Condo OS? Please bring it back please!

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How does your asset creation pipeline look like?

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I kind of hope it comes back too, I realize that there’s a menu for it’s stuff in the condo now, but it was kind of cool

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I would love it! It was my favourite condo feature to play with and i loved the UI!

Will the Condos ever save the time of day we pick so we don’t have to keep adjusting it when we join?

Will we be able to see Ultimate Chimera Hunter or a spiritual successor sooner or later or does copyright not allow it?

UCH is being replaced with a game called Little Crusaders.

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I’ve got a few, so I’ll just dump them all here:

  • I heard somewhere that Riposte is planned to make a comeback for Virus. Is this true?

  • Related to above, are there other old GMT maps you want to bring back, Virus or otherwise? (Metal Dreams, please!)

  • There hasn’t been much word or updates on character customization. Does it have low priority? When can we expect this aspect of the game to be expand upon?

  • Will we get holiday events like Halloween and Christmas again?

  • I don’t know if this is something you guys have data on, but I was mostly curious how much of the original GMT playerbase has moved over to TU, and what percentage are brand new players?

  • When did development begin on the each of the three new maps that were added with the latest update (

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Are there going to be any coin effects like you had back in gmt if you won or sold items? It felt so satisfying when I won the jackpot on the slots and seeing my GMC flowing into my Pockets.


Will gameworlds be spectatable at any point in the future?

Never heard a suggestion about a gameworld spectator mode before. You can create a new topic for that.

Will dedicated servers for minigames be showing up? or allowing the community to host their own?