[56K Modem Warning] Tower Unite Discord Development Sneak Peek

Looks great! Kinda funny the icon doesn’t have time to load before it disappears.

Actually there just isn’t an icon yet, so it can’t load anything and is always loading.


they see me loadin’
they hatin’

January 10th, 2019

Notice: All items below are provided without context. There is NO guarantee anything featured in them will be present in the final release. These items are shown from RAW development. Items are in chronological order, bottom being most recent.


Condo specific themed doors? That came from out of left field but honestly a welcome change.


That Lobby 3 condo lobby’s looking pretty good (and the doors)!

Condo specific doors are such a great idea!

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Does this mean no loading screens for condos?

It’s just different door designs for each condo, you still have to load into the condo.

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That would be a train wreck for the plaza load times lmao


hopefully some sort of air race becomes a full game

if only the condos loaded as quickly as the matchmaking server

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That depends on the condos themselves at the moment. More items mean longer load times. But we’ve talked about solutions to this issue and hope to one day resolve it.


I honestly don’t think condos are super bad for loading, it’s the plaza I wish would load faster, and I’m hoping lobby 3 brings that

Shouldn’t the Highrise door be like an elevator?

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it probably will be, none of the doors in that photo are highrise however
left to right: default condo, underwater, art studio

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This is amazing! Can’t wait for the condo-themed doors.

edit: Also will you eventually make it so you can customise the themed doors? (for example: The colour of the doors, sounds and particle effects?)
Either way, the point at where I can get stuff while grinding, we have made it, this is the TU I was promised.

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Condo milestones?


Yeah that’d be cool! being able to customise the door slightly would show what the condo is like would be great.

Can we have the condo’s name displayed above the door please?

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