[56K Modem Warning] Tower Unite Discord Development Sneak Peek

I don’t think that’s an effect for getting out of the water, but rather a new character accessory animation like the macaroni noodles or stars


I can’t believe is i suggested the camrea around the neck! i feel honored and will always know that now this game was basicly made 99.99% me!



dave vlog channel!?!?!?

Do you see what I see? is that a dart board?! hopefully this is not already an item and I’m dumb also, it could be a canvas. But, If it is going to be playable than I’m all a-(dart) BOARD! lol

I think it’s a canvas.

At about 5 secs i, the left to the door at the bottom seems to be some item that looks like an urn in black.

It could easily be that but, does it not sound fun to hope that it can be. Also it feels great to get a suggestion put in the game, sorry for slipping that in it feels great!

Maybe the toaster is colorarble now, it may have been before but, I’m probally over anaylizing. Oooh water drops! maybe particle affect

Sorry it’s a canvas, but it is something I’d love to make as an item.

That’s the Sweat Drops particle effect. The camera is also just a cosmetic.

you’re right, it’s one of the two new particle effects i think. they show up on the item manifest

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Thanks alot for putting my suggestion in the game i’ve been talking about it for days, i know it’s not official yet. I’m really glad and this has made me really happy!

I mean, they possibly would have added it anyways, after all, it was in GMod Tower.


September 6th 2018…

wait august has gone that quick wtf?

hat offset and how it works

hat offset for golf ball (this has 3d glasses and crown that actually fit the golf ball amazing)

emote types, normal one that plays the emote once like the golf swing, looping one is like the sitting animation and 2 player ones for like high fives and stuff i guess where you need 2 people to do it

emotes with prop support


these don’t really count but still, they are funny

Milk dance animation on a human playermodel… crazy isn’t it


mac wants to make this look less strange, is it good or bad i can’t really tell?


they do count, any tu media posted by devs is pretty much posted here

I think it looks really funny(good because they are milk cartons!)


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Iron Man loves cats