Caboose is gone ATM so…
Wow, this looks great! Glad to see the inventory system getting redone, what we have at the moment is lackluster.
I like this idea! They could put a giant pier (like the GTA pier) in the roller-coasters position which could host carnival type games and include the Kamikaze ride on there too. The roller-coaster can be on the side of the pier ;o
Oooo, looks like a spin2win exclusive as well, I like that
but why
we could just buy it in gmt
Because it’s not GMT. Idc what things were like in GMT, this isn’t meant to be an exact replica.
While I agree with this, I feel like some of the things on the spin to win wheel should just be purchaseable, like the Laser Projector. Especially with the price so high and the odds so low. I know its meant to be exclusive and all that, but when we think back to the Starfox Trophy, it may not work out so well if theres a lot of locked objects like that. I suppose it does give a goal, though. What I’m wondering is; how the hell are we going to get the Disco Ball if its not in stores? Is it an arcade reward? The StW wheel is already full, are they going to change it?
While I agree with the fact that TU isn’t a one to one replica of GMT, I also agree with EvKem that not all of the items currently available on the spin to win wheel should really be exclusive to that one. Especially the Laser Projector, heck make the disco ball a STW item if you want. The laser projector is a very expensive item, 25k price to be exact, isn’t that exclusive enough?
The tag says not in stores, which means it’s just not in stores. Yet. We commonly use that tag for items that are too much of a WIP, so not yet worth distributing in the game. The disco ball has been sitting there for a long time with that tag.
Which reminds me, I should tag Spin 2 Win exclusive items.
September 24th, 2016
Notice: All items below are provided without context. There is NO guarantee anything featured in them will be present in the final release. These items are shown from RAW development. Items are in chronological order, bottom being most recent.
WAIT! The gold has a fishing tag!
Anyone else hungry for a Canvas Spin to Win Fishing Arcade Metal Detector?
if you looked at the public items list (I forget where it is for now lel), we already know most, if not all of the fishing items.
Nah there’s more fishing items, but we haven’t finished it yet.
September 26th, 2016
Notice: All items below are provided without context. There is NO guarantee anything featured in them will be present in the final release. These items are shown from RAW development. Items are in chronological order, bottom being most recent.
First it was chat messages, then the coin effects, and now this?