[] Condo lost almost all collision on everything

Today I’ve loaded into my condo to build some stuff in my condo and my condo has lost all almost all collision on all items in my condo so I can literally just walk through everything. I can walk through workshop items and items that the tower unite dev team have added into the game itself like glass and rocks, ect.

Wondering if anyone else is having the same problem?


this happened to me on my old laptop (before I built my PC) years ago, what are your specs? Does restarting Tower fix this?

How many items do you have?

I’m not sure why it started happening as it wasn’t doing it yesterday but I’ve come on today and everything is broken…

My specs:
GTX 1660Ti
Windows 10 home

Hmmm need anything else?

Currently when I load my condo it says that I have 1,038 items in my smooth dirt. Does it go by how many items you have before it stops loading everything?

Anymore help on this? My condo is currently still doing it…

I’d try to reduce the amount of items that are near by each other. We know of a bug with Unreal engine that causes loss of collision due to a lot of dynamic items added (every condo item is dynamic). We ran into this in the Halloween update and the fix was to reduce the amount of things being spawned.

I’d try to reduce the amount of items in your condo, or spread them out more.

Are the floor tiles each one item?

Also, can you DM me your condo data?

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I sent you a message with my condo data :slight_smile:


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