[] Out of place bitting overlay effect

Unrelated to my previous findings about the fishing mini-game but under some circumstances, the bitting overlay, showing you when a fish actually bite to your bait is shown at another place (Here, in the bottom middle right corner of the showcased screenshot)

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What is your screen resolution?

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3440x1440 (21:9)
I’ve manage at two times, to have this overlay texture, not show up on the screen at all (So, i suppose, more like showing way out of my screen reach).

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Hmm, this seems to be a miscalculation in an Unreal 4 function that translates a 3D vector to 2D position in the viewport. The math they do seems to only support 16:9 or 4:3 resolutions. I’ll see if I can do my own calculations, though it does suck that their internal one is busted.

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Quick precision, This doesn’t happen all the times, In fact, it happens pretty rarely.
No real ideas how to reproduce it, as I didn’t tried to jump weirdly, abuse of the jetpack or do a taunt when launching the bait.

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