[] Suite couch can be given a texture that can't be removed

I discovered this after making this silly little post. Basically, I was using the copycat tool to change the wall textures, but when I copied the counter/cabinet/sink texture surface (which had already been changed to a white texture mind you) and then accidentally clicked on the couch, it applied this texture to it. Normally the couch texture can’t be changed, only recoloured, so there is no option to reset it. Resetting the colour does nothing. Resetting the condo fixes it, but loading it back in does not. After resetting the condo, I did attempt to recreate this bug with no luck, so I’m uncertain if there was something I did differently. Fortunately I plan to block off this couch with this particular build so it’s no huge issue to myself.


Alternatively, it could be considered a feature if you are looking for a decor matching the stylings of your crazy aunt that definitely dropped too much acid in her day and just thinks it looks nifty.


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