The old style of the cooking pots and pans fit a different aesthetic entirely, and was often used with this in mind.
The new pots are nice for more modern builds, however I’m upset to see instead of introducing the new models as new items, the old ones have been replaced.
Many builds have now being spoiled by this change, and I think it would be extremely helpful to have the old versions return as variants so everyone can be happy.
I don’t know why Pixeltail is so averse to legacy options. Pretty much every single one of my condos has had issues similar to this. (Like canvas pyramids looking different by default ruining a lot of my canvas stuff.)
Yeah, I’m not sure what the point of removing items is. Maybe for something like the Legacy Text Hat it made some sense, but for this? It’s just removing stuff for the sake of it. Not a fan, so you get my vote.
Because the old models look like actual garbage. Most people avoided using these pots and pans because they looked terrible and have long requested them having handles.
It’s also important to remember that GoopGoop is primarily using them in unintended ways, so any automatic changes I add to avoid oddities (like scaling or adjusting position, most notable with the ornate fireplace) won’t matter anyways.
I can add a handle-less variant which should hide the change for these older builds.
The old ones had nice, scratched metal details that the new ones lack.
Even without the handles, the new models are still too clean for certain building styles and have too many modern features to work in most builds they were already being used for.
Plus, using these props in “unintended” ways is part of building. It should be encouraged, not brushed aside.
These pots have been in the game for almost 7 years. Even if you don’t like them, many players have found them useful throughout that time.
That, and while I never used pots much myself, I didn’t think they looked bad as Nuclear is saying. Though personally, I do have to say that I don’t mind new ones either - I’m just mostly against pointless content removal for the sake of it.
the old models were literally one of the best ways for a vibrant colored metal cylinder that is extremely useful for any clutter. Most other metal items (due to being metallic) have issues with having vibrant coloration in dark environments.
yknow, maybe you should just add them as separate items and rename the old ones to a different name. That would allow you to do whatever you want without ruining our art projects.
Added handle-less variations and a Worn texture option. This should make the unintended use-cases not stand out. The game should apply these to old saves.
It’s not “pointless content removal”, it’s an artpass in response to years of complaints. Even GoopGoop has complained about it in the past.
I’m not brushing it aside, I applaud the effort… but this is something people have to be ready for in an Early Access game with textures made from literal compressed photos.
Now I’m hesitant to fix the victorian wooden door because people will demonise me for adding the missing doorknob and adding depth to the door’s alcoves.
As long as the color or material doesn’t change in a way that causes problems in older condos, I have no issues with that, That’s a much more specific item.
For this area of Tower Unite’s development (condos) which has graced players with what amounts to an art medium… complaints around such a thing just seems par for the course regardless being early access.
People can sink thousands of hours into building their condos much like people can spend thousands of hours on their minecraft worlds… another game thats not considered complete; where the art medium takes center stage for most. If minecraft pushed updates that broke peoples worlds. They would lose a significant portion of their playerbase im sure.
Not that im entirely comparing the situation of these two games… there are big differences, but i guess touching on the similar aspects of the two games having a creative UGC aspect and how updates are developed with addition/preservation/options rather than replacement in mind… maybe its something worth discussing or considering… idk?
I dont think anyone rational wants to see Tower Unite stand still and not update things to protect old builds. Maybe just a consideration of preservation with condo related changes so the best of both worlds can be had. how that could take place (if at all) i guess is circumstancial with the context of whats being changed.
Regardless the new pots and pans look great,
Lots of people appreciate your work and updates to the condo scene. people are just passionate about their efforts/art and are distraught to see it be altered/broken. i dont think anyone is trying to demonise you as much as they are just posting frustration with a change thats negatively impacted something they may have worked on for a long time.
Anyone that is directly and specifically trying to demonise YOU about the change/update/work… idk… screw em? not really worth listening to tbh. That individual has missed the mark. It shouldnt be about you.
As with all things, all sides of the coin have their valid points and more points to be made.
hey i wanna share my thoughts- while i don’t use the old pots / pans-
I do think old pots / pans should stay while new pots/pans get added as separate entries?
Or having old pots + pans as variant options on newly updated pans / pots?
Maybe going forward; it might be safer to keep old objects; maybe update them to have better mesh / textures but mostly same and stays as variants so everyone’s happy rather than just changing them into something entirely different. I think old pots / pans are useful for apocalyptic settings, old/cozy homes, etc so they’re always nice to have!
that asides; i dig all of new additions; especially food items, park props, etc! i’m a big fan of new pots/pans too. keep the great work up!
Nuclearxpotato works really hard on the new items, a lot of effort goes into making sure each item is editable and has the correct settings that people would expect from the items.
When we started Tower, back when the original pots and pans were made, none of the item customization were even a thing. Nuclearxpotato spearheaded the whole process, energized me to make a new system so that users can customize items more. That’s how we have the new item properties that newer items have.
I personally know he thinks about these things in great detail. So I stand by him on these decisions.
The old pots and pans were absolutely embarrassing artwise, they were from an older project of another developer and it was just a picture of a frying pan. They weren’t designed to be used other than some quick clutter items, before we even had the building system we have now.
The new pots and pans fit our art style, and we’ve been working on cooking items for the cooking update.
We both understand ensuring condo builds stay the same, but in this case a legacy item would just complex things. I really don’t think pots and pans should be used as knobs on a TV, even if that’s really a neat way to go about it. There’s canvas primitives and such that should be used instead. But I see that Nuclearxpotato made handle-less variants for the next update.
Anyways, most of this has been said but I’d thought I’d toss my words in. We’re trying our best.
I think there’s a good bit of miscommunication going on. Nuke works hard to make some of the uglier models look nicer and gets rid of some things he’s seen complaints about. Unintentionally this gunks up some peoples builds. I wouldn’t think Pixeltail is unwilling to bend or add legacy versions of models back into the game but to get that idea across sometimes it takes more people speaking up which I think is what I told Bitchie ages ago when we talked about this. Something like “Couldn’t hurt to post about it again.”
I can understand the frustration of the builders, or even the disappointment Nuke must feel in hearing people displeased with his changes. The dev team is doing their best to make positive changes and sometimes the waves that may cause can be unseen until they get proper feedback. I don’t think anything is done that can’t be undone, and I personally can see the positives in this conversation although it hasn’t gone smoothly all the way through.
To me this is a pretty reasonable take, but unfortunately this applies differently to a game like Tower.
I always approach Tower with the idea that flexibility for certain things is more likely than you’d think. As I said earlier, the squeaky wheel gets the oil. It’s hard to know what the people want unless like minds come together to request things like legacy items, but now that we’re here talking about it I’d like to say that I think the new pots are great and while we get to keep the old ones for other purposes they weren’t the best looking and I’m glad we finally get some that are less wonky.
canvas primitives would not look as good in the scenario of using as a knob, often times to make a good knob out of canvas i need at least 2 or 3 items, a cylinder for the base, and 1 or 2 tubes for the top part to make a circular design. (tubes texture UV is circular on top, unlike the cyl.
I don’t think the new pots look bad or anything, I think they look just like one would expect a standard cooking pot to look. it’s just that the old pots in particular were super useful because they were simple and basic. It gave them a versatility that newer, more complex items don’t have. Mentioning again that most metal materials do not play nice with moody/dark environments (most of my projects.) The fake metal worked great on smaller objects that needed the detail.
Even so, many people apparently preferred the items. In those cases, you should probably not be touching them just for the sake of an art pass. No one is “demonising” you for anything - There are simply better ways to go about this kind of thing, like I dunno, updating the texture at least without removing the whole model if it’s apparently all so bad. Regardless, I put out my opinion here already - To me, this is pointless content removal, and not something I stand for in any game, especially if, as pointed out by some people here, an item was already present for years before a decision to touch it was taken.
And we understand that. Still, I think it’s worth embracing what people do, even if it’s not something you personally approve of, rather than just, you know, saying “well, don’t do that, we don’t like it”. Condos and even Game World maps are a great way to express creativity, and this kind of thing should be supported, even if you aren’t alright with encouraging it. Besides that, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having some older items clashing with the new artstyle - Sure, I get artstyle consistency is an important thing, but I think that’s why legacy items are great - Because it’s great to have a diversity in styles, even if said diversity is a result of different eras for when Tower was being developed - The legacy items aren’t even clashing with modern day Tower that much, at least for me. I know that for example, I, myself may not always be the most understandable of folks, but this is personally how I see it - If you believe something needs an update, do it, but do that instead of removing it, and try to take your community’s word about how to do it, if anyone wishes to say anything.