So, I have played Dark Voyage ride in the Plaza quite a few times ever since it was first introduced all the way back in but I still don’t have achievements for it, since they remain locked in the Collection Book. I haven’t played it recently, so I’m not sure if going through the ride again would unlock the achievements this time around, but I have my suspicions to believe that it wouldn’t. Unless the achievements for some specific rides were reset for everyone in any given update, I’m not sure if this is a bug or not, but I am reporting it as one here.
Steps to Reproduce
Step 1. Just go through Dark Voyage ride fully, all the way to the finish station where you enter and leave the ride
Step 2. At least in my case, the Collection Book achievements for the ride will remain locked
What I expected to happen
Once you go through Dark Voyage for the first time, you should have had gotten the achievement for it. A separate achievement should have had been unlocked if you reach a certain score, which I’m relatively sure I managed to get at one point, but this achievement also remains locked.
What happened
I was just going through Dark Voyage as normal, many times in the past across at least a few different updates, and today, as of update, was surprised to see that my Collection Book achievements for it are still locked.
Notes / Media