[] Supporter Tag is not showing

I own the Supporter Pack #1 and do not own the Supporter Pack #2. When I start the game, in the main menu in the bottom left I see the advertisement to buy the Supporter Pack, despite already owning. When I join the Plaza, I also do not see my Supporter tag in the player list.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Own the Supporter Pack #1 without owning the Supporter Pack #2
  2. Start the game
  3. Check the bottom left of the main menu to find the advertisement to buy the Supporter Pack #1 instead of the “Thank you for supporting the game” banner.
  4. Join the Plaza
  5. Open the player list by hitting the “Tab” key
  6. Notice the missing “Supporter” tag at your name in the list

What I expected to happen

I expect to see my “Supporter” tag in the list of players and to not see the advertisement in the main menu anymore.

What happened

I wouldn’t know.


Thanks for the report. We have a fix in the works and will have it deployed out today.


This issue should now be resolved. You will have to restart your game if you currently have it open to see the tag return back.