I own the Supporter Pack #1 and do not own the Supporter Pack #2. When I start the game, in the main menu in the bottom left I see the advertisement to buy the Supporter Pack, despite already owning. When I join the Plaza, I also do not see my Supporter tag in the player list.
Steps to Reproduce
- Own the Supporter Pack #1 without owning the Supporter Pack #2
- Start the game
- Check the bottom left of the main menu to find the advertisement to buy the Supporter Pack #1 instead of the “Thank you for supporting the game” banner.
- Join the Plaza
- Open the player list by hitting the “Tab” key
- Notice the missing “Supporter” tag at your name in the list
What I expected to happen
I expect to see my “Supporter” tag in the list of players and to not see the advertisement in the main menu anymore.
What happened
I wouldn’t know.