[] I have a bug in my condo, im being pushed away. Walking not possible

It seems like there is an invisible Item on my Condo which pusches me away constantly, can someone help me save my condo please?

video of the problem: https://steamusercontent-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/37817108459839477/D3DA8AE7E827465A4984928B36D1B93A4C03A3B7/

:warning: Important: Please include the version number of the game in the title! (for example: [] Broken Feature).
The latest version is []

Summary of bug here.

Steps to Reproduce

Please list how this bug can be reproduced, if possible. Pictures would be much appreciated!

What I expected to happen

The normal behavior.

What happened

The issue the bug caused.

Notes / Media

Other misc. notes about the bug. Picture or videos are appreciated!

I had experienced this little thing long ago, it seems to appear when you try to build far enough from the map’s origin spawnpoint (the platform for example in Smooth Dirt)

hm but i havent moved something far away from the spawn or at least i cant find something on the item finder. a friend of mine tried to place a canvas wall which disappered before it was placed

Items that dissapear like that often land up a massive distance from where you expect. I think this might be a bug as I had it when building a mini golf map. The only solution is to search for them.

Hold down the inventory key (default q) and then click on the item finder on the far right. Now search for an item with a very large distance and this is probably that missing canvas.

there is no item far away :frowning: i deleted big items like the ocean but there ist no item in the item finder which is far away

Sorry to hear that. I’m at a loss then. Maybe one of the developers will be able to help?

yeah thank you i dont know how to contact them

The devs, particularly MacDGuy, are very active on these forums.

You might also like to post on the Steam discussion forums as they often respond there as well. They also have a Discord. Info on this is pinned at the top of the Steam forums, however here’s a link > Official Discord Chat - discord.gg/pixeltail :: Tower Unite General Discussions <.

Hope that you can get it fixed.