Smooth Autumn’s Skybox still seems to be desaturated/ not adjusting properly when adjusting colors and now seems to invert the hue cycle when fog has been enabled and turned off.
Steps to Reproduce
For the desaturated color:
- Spawn a Skybox Volume
- Try adjusting the color of the skybox
- Sky Box color should change ever so slightly, but still be extremely desaturated and (as seen in the picture below) doesn’t even seem to get darker.
For the inverted Hue Cycle:
- Spawn a Skybox Volume
- Turn “on” Adjust Fog
- Try to adjust the colors of the hue cycle for the skybox.
What I expected to happen
For the Skybox hue: I expected it to be as vibrant as the other maps with adjustable skyboxes. Ex: Selecting Blue should be Blue, not a very pale blue.
For the hue cycle: For the color of the sky box to be the same color as what is selected in the hue cycle. Aka: blue is blue, pink is pink.
What happened
Sky box color on adjustment is very desaturated.
Hue Cycle is inverted when adjust fog is enabled.
Notes / Media
It would appear that for the sky desaturation, the built in map fog is what seems to be causing the desaturation. Turning “Adjust Fog” on seems to get rid of the map fog and works, but only for certain colors.
As an example: The invert of Blue is Yellow. Yellow seems to work alright:
Then I try it with Yellow, which inverted is Blue and the color still seems desaturated: